Pierre-Yves Cloutier | Real Estate Broker | Re/Max


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RE/MAX real estate broker since 2013, Pierre-Yves Cloutier has quickly carved out a place for himself among the best in the industry. With several hundred transactions in his career, he has received numerous distinctions over the years, including the prestigious RE/MAX Hall of Fame trophy. His unwavering motivation, full transparency, and willingness to always get the best for his clients are the secrets to his success. Every transaction, every client is unique; which is why Pierre-Yves is dedicated to making your project successful. His strategies are impactful, and so are his results! Contact him to understand why so many people without hesitation refer him to their loved ones!

Our approach

Planning and guidance

Your property, your situation, your projects are unique; so are our solutions. Pierre-Yves Cloutier will be able to give you his precious advice to make your transaction a success. Transparent and conscientious, you will have the right information at every step of the mandate. Regardless of the location of your real estate project, Pierre-Yves will be able to come meet with you to discuss it and explain his complete game plan.

Network strength

By collaborating with our team, you will have access to a large network of qualified buyers. Your broker has a bank of qualified buyers and is in daily contact with other brokers who also have highly motivated clients. Your property will be propelled on large scale networks also through many social media to reach a maximum of potential buyers.

A secure transaction

Your broker knows the procedures, the legal documents to be completed, the necessary expertise and is able to draft the appropriate clauses to protect you. In addition, Pierre-Yves Cloutier offers REMAX's Tranquilli-T insurance to his clients. A well-structured transaction that ensures you move on to your next project without any hassle).

Increased availability

Our team is available 7 days a week year round. Your trust is important and we believe that our presence, without intermediaries, is fundamental to the successful completion of your project. At your side from beginning to end, because we like to build healthy and lasting relationships.

Superior marketing

Also a real estate photographer, Pierre-Yves Cloutier leaves nothing to chance. Master of the small details that make all the difference, your broker makes sure to bring your property to the top of the internet clicks thanks to his HDR photos of incomparable quality.

A turnkey service

Working with us also means having access to a vast network of qualified professionals who will be instrumental in the successful completion of your real estate transaction. Your broker will be able to refer you to experienced specialists in their field such as: building inspectors, mortgage consultants, notaries, land surveyors, companies for various expertises and more.

What our clients are saying

  • La qualité et le professionnalisme du service que ce soit pour un achat ou une vente de propriété est phénoménale de la part de Pierre-Yves et Maggy (son adjointe). Il sait vraiment naviguer les plus difficiles transactions en donnant les meilleurs conseils. Je recommande ses services à tous.

    -Isabel F.
  • C’était une très bonne expérience avec Pierre-Yves. On a vendu notre maison en 3 jours à des milliers de plus de notre prix demandé et on a acheté une belle propriété à un excellent prix grâce aux stratégies de notre courtier. Si vous cherchez un bon courtier et moins de stress, adressez-vous à Pierre-Yves Cloutier

    -Martine G.
  • Merci Pierre-Yves! Je ne me serais jamais lancé dans un tel projet sans ton support et expertise. Le marché est tellement fou que vaut mieux être bien conseillé par un courtier solide pour y voir clair et arriver à une belle finale de manière efficace et professionnelle!

    -Sabri A.
  • Pierre-Yves nous a pris en main dès le début de nos démarches afin de trouver notre demeure. Très professionnel et transparent, aucune cachette, il joue carte sur table! À l’écoute de nos besoins et à l’aide son flaire, il a su nous combler en tout point sur nos demandes. Son service est axé sur la satisfaction et c’est ce qui fait sa force. Je vous recommande sans hésiter Pierre-Yves Cloutier avec son expérience, ses judicieux et précieux conseils.

    -Yannick S.
  • Pierre-Yves, je ne saurai jamais trouvé les mots assez forts pour te remercier pour ce long et émotif processus d’achat. Tout au long du processus, je me suis sentie écouté, supporté et toujours en pleine confiance. Maggy et toi faites un travail extraordinaire, je n’aurais pas pu espérer une meilleure équipe. Merci et longue vie à votre duo 5 étoiles !

    -Marie-Eve G.